
Time Flies!

 Look who turned 14!  Jana has been such a gift to us, and we can't believe that 14 years ago the nurse handed me this 9 pound 9 ounce baby and allowed us young ding-dongs to take her home!  The Lord was with us every step of the way!  Our first morning home from the hospital, we were worried about her breathing.  In all of our extensive reading and childbirth/child raising preparation, NO ONE told us how LOUD newborns are!!!  We phoned the hospital in the wee hours of the morning, fearing that she was having trouble breathing...they talked us down from the 'ledge' and hung up the phone telling us it was normal.  Still feeling unequipped, we did what affluent young Americans do.  Aaron drove 30 minutes to the nearest store and purchased over $100.00 worth of pharmacy items that we thought would surely save our child's life...humidifier, nasal drops, suction thingies, and on, and on!!  Thankfully my mom came over once the sun came up, and gave insight and calm to our panic!!! We loved our tiny, helpless, precious baby girl and thought that 'stuff' would help us to parent her well!
... as if Osco drug store could sell parenthood preparedness for a hundred bucks!
Family birthday party before we left for the conference

Afternoon at the farm~ a beautiful place to celebrate her birthday!

50's diner for her birthday dinner, they sang and made it special for us all!
Oh, how we love our little girl.  We're so thankful that God has allowed us to be a part of her life and share in what He is doing with this young lady!  She has taught us so much and we continue to learn and persevere together...First born children don't have it easy!!

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