
Please pray with us,

When we began our Adventure in Availability, we said Any time, Any thing, Any place.
It seems as though God is beginning to focus our hearts toward a specific region of a specific continent, and we are thrilled at this idea!!  To begin to have more clarity on location and people group will be huge in our ability to prepare specifically, pray for wisdom with regard to reaching specific people groups and working alongside others who are ministering there.  

While we were at our conference in Florida, we were approached by several folks who pointed out the needs in Western Africa.  Some specifically recommended we consider this region.  Because we don't believe in coincidence, we have been praying for and about all of 'Western Africa' since returning home! We have had great dialog with missionaries in 2 different regions in Africa, sharing our hearts, and how God has directed us so far, and listening to what God is doing in these places.  Some doors have been opened and we are asking God to show us how to proceed!  Thank you for praying with us!

We are asking God to bind our hearts to a people group and/or ministry.  Specifically, there are 3  opportunities that we are asking God to reveal His purposes and our role in: Benin, Burkina Faso and Uganda. 

Because I am still my tentative self, I must put in the caveat that these may not be the places and ministries for our family... but at the same time- THIS COULD BE IT!! The work that needs to be done is immense, the need is overwhelming and the challenges are only surmountable by God's Grace.

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