
The Jersey Shore!

Deep Fried Oreos and Funnel Cake on the Boardwalk!

Walking the boardwalk in New Jersey was great!  I hate to admit that most of the things that I wanted to see on the East Coast can be directly attributed to movies I watched in my youth!  Mystic Pizza, Beaches, Big, The Perfect Storm, To Gillian on her 37th Birthday...I may be the only person who actually remembers these movies- but anyhoo...They gave me a mental image of what the East Coast would be like- and it did not disappoint!!! It was unique and beautiful.

The very best parts of our time in Jersey were, 1) THE PIZZA...the best we've ever had!! and 2) the guys who worked the game booths on the boardwalk.  To say that we stood out would be an understatement!  The cultural norms on the boardwalk did not include happy families who were fully dressed!  We got to chat with some of the workers, and our favorite was the one who asked if we came to the 'Shore' because of the TV show...I told him no, that we didn't watch the TV show- He was surprised/confused, and was wondering who we were- we talked about where we lived, and he told us about his life there and his job- For your mental picture, he was a mid-thirties man, clean-cut and nice looking, wearing a large gold chain necklace.  After visiting, and deciding not to toss the softball into the bushel basket- at 3 balls for $10.00, we were walking away, and he shouted after us- "Hey, Big Love...are yous guys from that show Big Love??"  He thought he had us all figured out...we must be mormon polygamists!!  FYI- we're not mormon or polygamists.

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