
'Tis the Season!

We broke out the Vanilla Bean Noel lotion tonight…Christmas is coming! 

Talking with friends we have gained some insight on Operation Christmas Child boxes…from the perspective of families here who are thankful to receive them…
but, just a piece of advice,
Don't Send Play-Doh!  

When one guy opened the box and saw the play-doh, he thought it was food.  He said that he thought it smelled good, so he sent his son to the bakery to buy bread for Play-Doh sandwiches!  When talking about it, he said, "Tell them not to send that dough!"

In one village, a little girl asked if we could answer a question- we said yes and she said she'd be right back.  She brought us three of the four containers of play-doh…they had already eaten one container.  It was amazing to see her face when it was formed into elephants and snakes!

SO- some recommendations…from our friends here:

1.  Soccer ball- ball pumps are available, even here- so deflate them and put them in the box!
2.  Marbles
3.  Water bottles for kids to take to school 
4.  Steno pads and ink pens
5.  Index cards
6.  Fingernail clippers (much better than a knife!)
7.  Hand-written note to the child- I got to translate one for a 7 year old girl- she had kept it for months, along with the picture of the couple who packed the box for her- she prays for the couple, that the Lord will bless them with children!
8.  Toothbrushes
9.  Nail Polish
10.  SOCCER BALLS!!  There is no better gift…really! They sell poor quality ones here, but a nice one would be a real delight, and only cost around $10 U.S.

The kids in our neighborhood can entertain themselves all day with nearly nothing.  Boxes from locally made Mango Nectar with soda bottle caps or Palm Oil jugs filled with rocks can be fun, so your gifts are a blessing and they are given in the name of Jesus!

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